Selection of library materials
Selection Policy
Books are selected or withdrawn based on long-standing selection criteria, weeding guidelines, and using selection tools; reviews of materials from credible library review journals, and authoritative selection references. Selection also stems from knowing what students will be researching in classes.
The responsibility for coordinating the selection of library materials rests with the librarian who seeks faculty and student recommendations.
Selection Materials
- Pertinent to the curriculum and the objectives of the instructional program.
- Reflective of the pluralistic nature of our global society.
- Acceptable in literary style and technical quality.
- Recent copyright date as appropriate to the subject.
- Accurate in terms of content.
- Appropriate format to effectively teach the curriculum.
- Representative of differing viewpoints on controversial subjects.
- Cost-effective in terms of use.
- Reputation and significance of the author, producer, and publisher.
- Favorable recommendations based on preview and examination of materials by professional personnel, adults with special expertise, or students.
- Favorable reviews in standard selection sources.
- Appropriate for recommended levels.
Challenges to library materials
Despite the care taken to select library materials, the School recognizes that occasional objections may be raised.
The parent or guardian of a student may request the removal of, restriction of, or expanded access to specific library materials.
In reviewing such requests, consideration will be given to those whose children are currently and directly impacted by the use of specific materials.
In the event a complaint is made, the following procedures will apply:
- The complaint shall be heard first by the librarian.
- If the matter is not resolved the complainant will be given a "Request for Review of Library Materials" form to fill out. The form will be forwarded to the appropriate Principal and the Head of School.
- The Principal shall appoint a committee composed of the following people to review the complaint: one administrator at the appropriate grade level; one librarian; one classroom teacher; the department head in the subject area of the challenged materials; one community member.
- The review committee shall: read and examine the materials referred to them; check general acceptance of the materials by reading reviews; weigh values and faults against each other and form opinions based on the material as a whole and not on passages or portions pulled out of context; meet to discuss the material.
- The decision of the reviewing committee shall be forwarded in writing to the complainant and the Head of School.
- If the complainant is not satisfied by the decision of the reviewing committee and desires to carry the request further, the form may then be submitted to the Board of Trustees.
- No materials shall be removed from use until the committee has made a final decision.
- Cooperation will be given to any parent wishing to restrict his or her own child from using materials that are objectionable to the parent. The librarian, with the parent, will try to work out a solution that will keep that family's child or children from checking out the materials the parent objects to, while still allowing free access for other children.