The library catalog has an extra search tool with links to safe websites. You can search WebPath Express directly by clicking on the WebPath Express link in the Destiny Classic menu and typing your keyword(s) into the search box just as you would to search the catalog.
You can refine your search by using limiters such as grade level, format, or source. Set your grade level to ensure that the websites fit your level of understanding. Once you have set your limiters, click on Get Results.
Searching will be easier if you think about your search terms before you begin, so make a list of keywords, concepts, or subjects that you want to search for. Try searching for 'dogs' by clicking on Keyword. Try a second search for 'dogs' by clicking on Subject in Destiny Classic. You probably noticed that there were lots of resources when you searched by subject and even more when you searched by keyword.
You can also narrow or refine your search by sublocation. This will give you all the books that might be interesting in a particular school division. To clear all limiters in order to start a new search, just click on Reset All.
Look at some of the titles in the list again. Maybe you just want to know more about domestic cats. You may also have noticed the message asking you whether this is what you are looking for. The system is reminding you to think about how to improve your search!