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Elementary School Library: Grade 5

ES citations

Kathy Schrok's citation guide for grade 5

Research and Style Manual - Grade 5
For a book with two authors
  1. Names of the authors, last name, first name, and first name last name.
  2. Title of the book, in italics.
  3. Publisher,
  4. The year the book was published.
Morris, Thomas, and George Smith. How to Code Apps. Adobe Press, 2021.
For an article in a print encyclopedia or reference book
  1. Last name of the author, first name.
  2. Title of the article or chapter in quotes.
  3. Title of the encyclopedia or book, in italics,
  4. Volume number,
  5. Publisher,
  6. The year the book was published,
Fisher, Joseph. “Shark.” The World Book Encyclopedia, vol. 4, Astor Press, 2021.
For an article from an online database
  1. Author of the article last name, first name.
  2. Title of the article in quotes.
  3. Name of the resource site, in italics.
  4. The date the article was published (day month year),
  5. URL of the article page.
Winters, Paul. “Abraham Lincoln.” Kid Stuff. 4 January 2021,
For a Web page or article on a Web page
  1. Author of the article.
  2. Title on the page or of the section of the page you used in quotes.
  3. Title of the Web page, in italics, found in the address bar.
  4. The date the page was published or last updated (day month year),
  5. URL of the Web page.
Jones, Alice. “New toys.” Consumer Reports. 10 March 2021, consumerreports/newtoys.
For an online Creative Commons-licensed image
  1. Creator’s last name, first name.
  2. Description or title of image, in quotations.
  3. Name of Web site, in italics.
  4. The year the image was published,
  5. URL of the image page. Date accessed.
Schrock, Kathy. “Butterfly.” Flickr. 2011, Accessed 8 Jan. 2021.